


During my career as a professional photographer in Cabo for the last 10 years, I’ve had the pleasure of working with Lynette in numerous weddings, she has an exceptional eye for detail and organization.


Lynette will always be taking good care of her couples as well as the people working for them.


She is resourceful and everybody enjoys working alongside her.


Lynette is the perfect combination of professional, knowledgeable, creative, hard-working and kind. She is smart, passionate and understanding on the deepest level-the list truly goes on and on. She makes sure that everybody that she works with confidently sees and believes in the vision of her clients and works endlessly to deliver the weddings and events of her clients wildest dreams.

She is far more than just an extremely talented event planner, she is a positive light that instantaneously becomes a friend and trusting confidante to each client, coordinator and vendor that she works with. It is always an extreme pleasure to be able to work alongside her and be able to witness the magic that she creates through the events that she produces, and I will undoubtedly do so as long as the opportunities continue to present themselves.